Essence of a New Christmas



           Christmas is the happiest time of the year. It’s a time where family and close relatives come to celebrate and bond until the New Years. But now these gatherings are restricted because of covid 19, we are in a tight situation where most of our family members won’t be able to come and celebrate Christmas.

            Christmas is celebrated for various reasons around the world but in the Philippines, we celebrate it for the birth of Jesus Christ. People go to church almost everyday to pray and celebrate. Families and close relatives come together to celebrate and bond until the New Years. Unfortunately, Covid is still around, like last year, people are stilled forced to stay in their homes, mass gatherings aren’t allowed and with the threat of the new Covid variant these protocols are getting stricter. Our main priority now is to remain safe and healthy and not contract the Virus. But we should remember is that Christmas does not depend on celebrations. As the song of Jose Mari Chan goes: “Christmas is in our hearts.” It is not only gift giving, but also the birthday of Jesus Christ.

            Despite the problems that we face, we will push through and celebrate Christmas. It is a time for sharing what you have, not just material things but also those that can only feel like a warm, tight hug, a simple thank you showing appreciation and forgiveness.



  1. Christmas hasn't been the same, we all know that. It was everything less than it used to be. It's not like we haven't been through it before, but its the fact that it somehow breaks the spirit of Christmas. Yet despite all hardships, we remain composed. With us keeping our composure and staying positive at times like this, it most definitely uplifted the spirit of Christmas.


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